Monday, August 31, 2009
The next, best thing
I decided to save the biggest news of the month for the last blog of the month, now that -hopefully- I have more readers.
Several months ago, nine months to be exact, God planted a seed in my heart. My emotions were boiling at the latest story of child neglect and abuse. All I wanted to do was go rescue those children and get them away from crazy parents who could not grasp what a precious gift they are. I yelled at the TV, "Don't put your baby in the microwave or throw it off a bridge, just give it to me!"
I felt a nudge that maybe I could actually do something to help, googled foster care in my county and made a phone call. Turns out they were having an information meeting that very night. John was all in. We ditched our dinner plans with some very understanding friends and made our way over to the Fairfax County Gov't Center, where, with about 40 other prospective foster and adoptive parents, we heard enough to make us sign up for the training.
In January and February, we attended 27 hours of training, then started on all the paperwork necessary for the county to do our home study and approve us for foster care and adoption. In our county, it's the same process, which makes alot of sense and saves the county and parents time and money. We've had alot going on this year, so it took us longer than it should have to get everything turned in, but we finally did.
Last Monday, we went in and signed papers making us officially ready to accept a placement.
Here are the most common questions we have received so far:
Q: What ages did you ask for?
A: We said we were open to infant to 7 years old. The age ranges they're seeing the most of right now are 0-4 and 12-16.
Q: When are you going to get a placement?
A: We don't know. They initially said it could be several months until a child that matched our abilities/openness would need placement. They also said there are alot of medically fragile babies in the system right now who need a stay-at-home parent, which I am - mostly.
Q: Will you get the chance to adopt the children placed with you?
A: Maybe. The county's first priority for any child in the system is permanence, and they look to place them with immediate or extended family before placing them into foster care. If they do need to be in foster care, the county will try to rehabilitate the birth family in order to place the child back in a stable, nurturing environment. They ask to the foster families to help with that by facilitating visitations and even mentoring the birth parents. If that isn't possible, again, the county looks to immediate or extended family to adopt.
Finally, when all options have been exhausted, they place the child up for adoption. For the foster/prospective adoptive family, this can be a long, roller-coaster process. Parental rights have to be terminated, and when the birth parents don't do this willingly and are unresponsive to rehab, the county has to go to court and have a judge terminate their rights. They can fight it through several different appeals. So, it's not an easy process even if one of our foster children becomes available for adoption.
But, since we are approved for both, we might get a placement that looks headed for adoption, since the county wants to move the child as few times as possible.
Q: How long will you have a foster child with you?
A: That depends entirely on the birth family and the county. Could be anywhere from an overnight to several years. We can opt out at any time if we aren't able to provide for the needs of the child, but the best thing for everyone is that we consider the costs as much as we can before accepting the placement.
I don't want to overload one blog with everything we learned about the process over these last several months. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to write about our experiences as we have them. Overall, we have been so impressed with the Dep't of Family Services in our county and all the social workers we've gotten to know. We have stacks and stacks of support materials and long lists of numbers to call for just about anything we can think of. We even have a parenting consultant!
We got a call last Thursday that almost changed our lives. They had a healthy baby boy born Wednesday, whose birth mother had mental health issues and maternal grandma and great aunt said they did not want him. He would be released from the hospital Friday and, if we accepted, would've come home with us then. Woah!
We were both excited and scared. Are we ready for this? What in our lives would we have to cancel or adjust? For me, a job and missions trip were on the line. We both have separate overseas trips planned in the next two months, so each of us would be here alone with him. We don't have any baby stuff - car seat, bassinet, bottles, nothing. They would provide some clothes, formula and diapers to get us started, but we'd need to do some massive shopping!
In the few hours we had to talk it over and make some plans, the baby's situation had improved. His mom had been stabilized after delivery and was able to make some lucid decisions. Her mom hadn't wanted to take the baby when her daughter wasn't aware of it, but together they were able to sign him over to Grandma's care. They didn't need us after all, but it was a great drill for us.
We are going to hold off on being available for a placement till mid-November, when we are both back from our travels and have job stuff more stabilized. Again, there's no telling when another child will need a place, but by then we'll be more ready to go.
I'd love to answer any questions you have about the foster care system or our experience so far. We are so excited to be able to give out of what God has given us and help restore families in our area, and maybe, just maybe, get a little family of our own.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Musings on a Sunday Night
Here's one passage I've been chewing on lately.
Isaiah 52:7-8 (emphasis mine)
7 How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,
Who says to Zion,
“ Your God reigns!”
8 Your watchmen shall lift up their voices,
With their voices they shall sing together;
For they shall see eye to eye
When the LORD brings back Zion.
I have alot of opinions (gee, you think?) and am usually not at a loss for words on any given occasion. And I may have some nice or interesting things to say here on this blog or in any public setting, which may help someone or brighten their day or just give them a little mental break from whatever they were doing. And those are good things.
But when I read verse 7, my communicator's heart starts jumping up and down saying "I want beautiful feet!" I want to bring good news, proclaim peace, bring glad tidings of good things (God knows there's enough bad news or bad reports of bad things!). I want to remind the people of God who they are, and that God is present in their lives and is on the throne.
Then verse 8 speaks to the heart of worship in me. Tonight we had vocal practice for our worship team and the sound of our voices blending together in harmonies was so sweet. You hear the expression "singing from the same sheet of music," alot. Maybe too much. But maybe it's used so much because it's one of the most powerful examples of unity and togetherness. Here in steps that unwrap backwards, the prophet says that restoration has to take place before we can see eye to eye, and only after that we can lift up our voices and sing together.
I think this has powerful implications for communicating in an organization, whether there's a spiritual setting or not. Perhaps communication (from an organizational and personal standpoint) is often so frustrating because we are trying to sing together, but haven't been restored.
Just some stuff I'm thinking about. Thanks for listening.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It's time I told you
You know how on an escalator, you put your hand on the moving handrail? Have you ever noticed that you have to keep readjusting your hand because your hand is creeping up ahead of you? If you don't put your hand on that communal conveyor belt of germs, then just watch the next time you're on one. You'll notice everyone whose got their hand on the rail will be slowly tipping forward as they go up or down, then subconsciously, and almost simultaneously, pulling their hands back to stay upright.
Why? Because the hand rail always moves slightly faster than the stairs. I have been watching this for about 4 years now and I've yet to see one that moves at exactly the same pace. I can't put my hand on the rail knowing this, it would just get too annoying, but nobody else seems to care. But, maybe it's cause nobody knows, so I'm doing my part to share this with the world. There. I feel better. You?
Friday, August 28, 2009
4-minute Friday: Living Rooms
Living rooms are places where most of my favorite moments in life have happened. Tonight, I'm blogging from my pastors', Bill and Lisa Shuler, living room. They just moved into a new house 2 months ago, but the living room they moved from is one of my favorites. It's where I met my John. The furniture and decorations are the same here, so it kindof feels the same. But now it doesn't matter what room I'm in with John, I just love to look across it and see that he's mine.
Another living room I love is the one at my mom's house in Tulsa. It has been through several modifications, from housing my grandma and aunt, to now being the grand central station of my siblings and their kids. There's a Wii Fit there that even the youngest grandkids know how to use and we convinced our grandma to try it out over Thanksgiving. Laughter lives there.
Overall, I just love the comfort and community that develops in a living room, and I couldn't think of a more appropriate name for that room.
That's my 4-minute take on living rooms. What are your favorite (G-rated) memories in a living room?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Caution: Experimental Blogging Technique in Use
This whole NASA shuttle-delay thing got me to thinking about countdowns and how the numbers flashing before us can change our perspective on time. I was also thinking about how I have only 5 more blogs to write this month, 4 after this one. Maybe as humans we have a need to measure our time, and we find a value in knowing precisely how much we have left before certain events take place.
I have a certain event taking place tomorrow morning. The countdown is already running in my head; 5 hours prior wake-up, guzzle coffee, eat protein, stretch, continue cramming math and other GRE test-taking material in brain; 2 hours prior, shower, get dressed, drink some more coffee, keep studying, get on metro; .5 hours prior, arrive at testing center. Then, each portion of the test will be timed, and the screen will show me how much time I have left, which I should have down to a science how long I have to answer each question or draft each point of my essays, but since I haven't done any practice tests, I have no idea, but that countdown timer will surely be a helpful stress inducer.
So the test is a pretty big deal and may have certain ramifications on my future, like my ability to get into the grad school of my choice, but mostly likely it will just serve as a practice test and I will have to take it again. But as soon as it's over, another countdown is on, this time studying for the subject specific test. And after that, it will be polishing the applications, trying to get everything in for that December deadline. Clock is ticking. Come on! This is my life we're talking about here, my dreams, my calling. Time is not stopping to wait for me to finish this show or this blog.
But we get no countdown on major events in our lives. Like our life starting. There is no way to countdown to conception, or a timer showing when our hearts will start beating (of course we know generally what day this happens on or what week in the gestation period something forms). And, unless you're involved in a deathrow inmate situation, you don't get a countdown on your death or the passing of someone close to you.
If we did, though, get a timer on those things, (or other important events such as the moment you fall in love or the moment your marriage will hit a rocky period), would we do things differently? Would we live and love with more urgency, intention? Should we do that anyway? Would we race the clock or just let time take its course? Some people do that now, without a timer. Maybe they have one in their heads that keeps them moving. Maybe that's why we countdown to moments we can control or know, to make up for what we can't, or to develop a mentality that time is always ticking.
Finally, won't it be nice in Heaven when the clock stops and time really starts? No more countdowns, no more timers, no more ticking or beeping or alarm clocks. I don't know what you believe about Heaven or eternity, but it might be the piece of eternity in my heart that makes me long for that peace without end.
But, fortunately for you, this blog has an end. Now.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Darn you, Pottery Barn!
It's a "Found Dough Bowl," described in the latest Pottery Barn catalog as such:
"In the first half of the last century, bakers at farmhouses in Hungary and other Eastern European countries used these hand-carved solid-pine bowls for bread making. Each bears individual marks of use and history, and is entirely unique."
They are also $199, so I will never buy one. But I want one.
I don't know if I could ever purchase something Pottery Barn advertised as uniquely historical after watching the Apothecary's Table episode of Friends. I did look for bowls like this in some antique stores and all they had was "recreations" of old bowls, for about $85-$100. Again, not gonna pay that much for some old-looking wood.
I also don't know how this applies to you unless you happen to be in an antique store and see something like this for around $30.
I guess this is what you get when I put off blogging until 11pm. I was going to tell you all about my awesome nephew Solomon and the school he gets to go to and how you can help. Maybe tomorrow. One thing I know for sure is that every dime I spend on this subject will be much better spent than on that darn old bread bowl!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A first for me
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thoughts on Testing
I do not like math.
I'm sorry to all my math teachers and all you other math lovers and especially my dear aunt and uncle who are both math professors. My distaste for the subject is probably because I never took one of your classes.
I'm studying math because I'm taking the GRE on Friday. I'm taking the GRE because I'm applying for grad school - again. This time to get a PhD in English Lit. Not math. Obviously. But, for some reason, they think it's important to test your understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships between x and y and stuff.
The biggest reason why I don't like math is because I don't know enough about it. And I don't know enough about it because I 1) didn't learn it 2) don't remember it. I was a Drama major in college. The only math class I had to take was Math in Society, in which we learned about credit cards and interest rates. The class was such a joke that for one of my group's presentations, we did a puppet show I wrote with paper bags about the cultural role of the digits 0-5. For example, the number 3 talked about how he was invited to every wedding. It made sense at the time. We got an A.
Anyway, the reason I don't remember math is because I'm not continually learning it and I'm not being tested on it. This got me thinking about other kinds of tests in life. What we learn (or re-learn, or don't learn) from these tests must be the really important stuff. The stuff that God values so much that He wants to make sure we know it, understand it, live it. He doesn't test us because He's mean or likes to see us squirm. He wants us to succeed in this life He's given us, He wants us to know His love and His enoughness. (yeah, I made up that word, but I'm gonna get a PhD in English, so I can do that) The best thing about God's tests is that there is no scoring (that's grace!).
I hate that my acceptance to a school might be contingent on how well I do on this test, but I have to trust (I learned that through a test) that it will all work out.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I wish you could've been with me
We showed up at the Pentagon parking lot about 7:30 am, where we were joined by about 600 or so other bikes. Here's my attempt at an artful shot in the early morning light.
Then, as we traveled, we had police escort the whole way. I mean every exit or interchange from DC to New York City was blocked off. It was amazing having the whole road to ourselves.
The people stuck in our traffic seemed to be handling it well for the most part. We're probably on about 400 or more people's cell phone cameras.
We also got a little New Jersey treatment the whole way. At each planned refueling stop, a pit crew pumped gas for us. We stopped twice along the way for meals that were donated (by Famous Mike's Harley in Delaware and Applebee's in Linden, NJ). The ride was so incredibly organized and staffed with smiling volunteers. Our police escorts were also mostly volunteers. They were from city, county, and state police, sheriffs, and port authority crews, from about as many different states. This is one of my favorite shots going over the last bridge before New Jersey. You can see our police escort way in the lead.
The thing that struck me the most (besides the bugs and rain) was the age of most of the children who were out with their parents. Most of them weren't alive on Sept 11, 2001. I wonder how parents tell their children about that tragic day, if at all. I mean, we're doing this ride to remember and honor the lives lost that day. What if it's not something you have to remember, but something you have to learn about? How does a child process that?
This morning we had special access to the construction site at the World Trade Center. I've been here a few times in the years since, and even though the work done here has been tremendous, it still feels like a giant hole in America's heart.
The tall building is Tower #7, which was the last to come down after being damaged that day and is the first to be rebuilt. It's 54 stories high. The crane in the frame on the left was putting steel in place for Freedom Tower, which is replacing the twin towers, which will be 3 times as high as #7.
We hope to do this ride every year. Come do it with us for the 10th anniversary!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Early Riders
And here are some from the Pentagon.
We're headed up to NYC to ground zero there. It'll be my first major group bike ride. We went up to Sturgis a few years ago, but that's a group ride just by default. This time, we're police escorted and have t-shirts and everything. Should be pretty amazing!
(Don't worry, I'll take lots of pictures!)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Why I love cooking
For me, it's the perfect mix of science and art. You take a formula and finite ingredients, add in creativity and passion and you have a seeming unending variety of results.
As I've grown 'older,' I've learned that my tolerance for ambiguity has decreased. I want to know what the expectations are before I start a project. Some friends who sat in classes with me can attest to my frustration at vague assignments. Give me a checklist and I'm uber comfortable performing the task because I know what the parameters are. That's why I love following recipes and collecting good cooking tools (like Pampered Chef's :-)).
But there's still this starving artist in me, who wants to be unique and put some originality into anything that's going to have my name on it. And I crave feedback (hint hint). Cooking often offers that flexibility with a recipe and usually I can get instant feedback if people keep eating my dish, or come back for seconds.
Cooking also satisfies that bit of me that likes to make order of chaos. Here is an ugly, bulbous pepper, and after a few minutes with my knife, it's a pretty pile of colorful, evenly sized bits. I own plenty of Pampered Chef tools that make chopping and slicing easier and faster. But I usually opt for the good ol' knife and cutting board. The repetition and rhythm are soothing to my cluttered thoughts. When all else has gone wrong during the day, when it comes down to me and that tomato, I can win.
I'd love to hear what you love about cooking or whatever it is that feeds your soul.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
More or Less
One thing I do remember about him is this quote:
"Humans are the only living beings who wake up every morning and make a choice to be less than their potential."
It's true. Every other living thing does exactly what its DNA tells it to do until an external force intervenes. There is no tree that decides to be shorter than it was meant to be and no dog who decides to be less friendly.
There's another side to this, though. I think we are also the only living beings whose potential is not limited to our DNA. We can be/do better than we are naturally by being in proper relationship with God and others.
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What's in my hand?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Do They Know Who We Are?
Monday, August 17, 2009
I'm Just Saying: Trip photos
saying it. When someone is about to go on a trip or have an exciting/
milestone event we say,
"Take lots of pictures!"
Let's talk about why this phrase is completely unneccesary.
1) I already was going to take lots of pictures. If I am the average
American, I have at least one digital camera, and will take an obscene
amount of photos because I can.
2) You are not going to look at my 'lots' of pictures. What you want
to see is one, maybe two really good shots that give you a feel for my
3) I am probably not even ever going to go through my lots of pictures
to edit them and pick the best shots to share with you (or the whole
Facebook/Flickr world), so either I will post all of them for you to
not look at or I will never post them and you will forget what it was
you told me to take lots of pictures of.
Where did this idea come from? Is it like when we say, "Have a safe
flight," when, as a passenger, our beloved traveler has very little to
do with the safety of their flight, but we need something to say
before we say goodbye?
Do we mean, "Have a great time and I hope you bring back some good
memories."? Why don't we just say that? Or if we really are interested
in the outcome of their camera activity, could we be more specific
with our suggestions? Like, "I'd love to see the bride getting cake
smashed in her face, she has it coming" or "if you see a really cool
alley, can you get a shot for my collection?"
I'm just saying, saying "Take lots of pictures," does nothing for you
or me. If you want to keep saying it or other useless phrases, I'm
going to use you for blog fodder.
I'm just saying.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Celebration time
almost out of time on this day. It's amazing how fast time goes when
it's full.
After a full day at Hollywood Studios, we came to Celebration, a city
nearby Orlando to have dinner with a dear friend of mine from grad
school. The last time I saw Cyndy was in 2001 as I came through
Orlando on my way to Montgomery, AL, for officer training school.
We've kept in touch through the years via e-mail and now Facebook, but
there is really no substitute for good old fashioned face to face
We've been catching up on life, sharing dreams and hearts cries and
some delicious Spanish fare. And I'm just feeling pretty proud and
thankful right now.
Proud of myself for picking friends that have sticking power and for
picking a husband who fits in pretty seamlessly into relationships as
if he was always there. And then I know I didn't have anything to do
with that, so I'm overwhelmed with gratefulness.
Time that is full may go by faster, but it also leaves stronger
memories. And this is what I'm celebrating tonight.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
rain. When you don't bring it with a 10% chance, it does.
2) Disney seems to be very wheelchair accessible. I can only make this
observation as a non-occupant of said device. But there are lots and
lots of people who are and they seem to be enjoying themselves.
3) Overheard conversation while waiting for the bus. "I stopped
working out my legs when I came up with a new philosophy. If I ever
was with a girl and it came to taking my pants off, it probably
wouldn't matter to her how skinny my legs are."
Friday, August 14, 2009
My favorite things
blogging tonight. But, because I promised, I'll do a short bit about
my 3 favorite things about my wedding.
1) I like how we had our attendants give us the charge. The "Do
you...,take..., till death do you part."
2) Jessi Canning and Brannon Carnes, two amazing singers and great
friends, singing the song I wrote for John at the reception.
3) Having my 4 existing nephews, ages 4yrs, 20 months, 18 months and 6
weeks, as the ring bearers. The oldest pulled the youngest in a little
red wagon down the aisle with the two toddlers following. I'll post a
picture when I get home.
I have so many more things I love about my wedding, but I'll save
those for future anniversaries. Well, of course my absolute favorite
thing was marrying my John. But that's the whole point, right? :-)
What was your favorite element of a wedding you've been to? Your own
wedding can count!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Memories on the verge
deals. The first and biggest is our 4th Anniversary, which is the
14th. The second is John being awarded the Honor Graduate of the Year
from the school we went to Georgia for last year (more on this Tuesday).
Since Disney is free for military this year, we are taking fully
advantage of it and the discounts they are offering to their hotels
and restaurants. I'm almost, but not quite, equally excited about our
anniversary dinner at Seasons 52, which is my favorite restaurant so
So, on this anniversary eve, I thought I'd share what we did instead
of a rehearsal dinner four years ago. We had a rehearsal prayer
breakfast. We did this for a few reasons.
1) We got married outside and the weather in Oklahoma in August is
terrible, so I wanted to do something in the morning when there was a
chance of it being cooler.
2) I love breakfast. I could eat it for every meal, and sometimes do.
Plus, breakfast food is far cheaper to cater than dinner!
3) We have an incredibly spiritual family and group of friends and
couldn't think of anything we'd rather do than be commissioned into
marriage with praise and worship and being prayed over.
It was an amazing time, almost more special than the ceremony the next
day (but that was pretty great too). My only regret is that we didn't
record it, except with a few pictures. It's sealed pretty tightly in
our memories, though. We have seen many of the prayers answered and
the words spoken over us come to pass.
I'm on the road now and only have my iPhone to blog with, so I will
post some pics of that day once we are home.
Thanks for joining me on this little trip down memory lane. Join me
tomorrow for a little reminiscing about the day I married my best
friend. (or interesting things I've seen at Disney World)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
If you care, to know.
I want you to know that I’m ok. I’m actually better than ok, I’m doing great. My life overflows with blessings, my future is bright, though mostly unknown. I think one of those future unknowns gives many people cause to pity me or project something on me that I do not feel. So, I wanted to gently place here what I do feel.
This October will mark three years since John and I decided to start trying for children. Three years seems like a long time, and it has felt like a long time, but in perspective, it’s just a breath in the life God has given us. In that time, countless babies have been born to our friends and families, and we have rejoiced in them all. Also in that time, countless people have prayed for us, prophesied over us and confirmed in us the promise of God, and we have been thankful for them all.
I think there’s an inherent tendency for empathy to take form in words more kin to the heart of the giver than the receiver. There is nothing but good intent here, but maybe some understanding will enlighten those who try to speak words of comfort and hope to me and other TTCs (Trying to conceive). Of course, I can’t speak for them, just for me. This is where I am after three years of a winding journey down a narrow road. I’m not at the end yet and thank God, I’m not where I started.
First, know that I am content with what God has given me. I can’t list it all here, but you’ve seen in previous blogs my delight in my friends, my family, my husband and my Savior. God has turned what was mourning in a ‘have not’ to joy in all I have. When I think of His goodness to me, I can’t think of one reason to complain or one more thing to beg for. Even if I never hold a baby of my own in my arms, I will ever lift them in praise to God. This was not an easy statement to come by, but it is the truth.
Next, know that in this season God is making me who He wants me to be. He is changing and shaping my character, and I know when I finally am an awesome Mom, I will be so only because of who God is making me into now. God is also using me just as I am, to be a blessing by serving those around me in ways not possible if I had my own kids. My eyes have been trained to look for these opportunities and my desire is to use time wisely. A lot of well-meaning people say “It’s just a matter of time,” or “it’s all in God’s timing,” which kindof turns Time into a master of sorts and even the bad guy when one is waiting. I say Time in our hands is nothing but the space where we can either choose to let God change and use us, or we can choose to sit passively, or even worse, act out of resentment and ingratitude.
Finally, and I’ll only close here because I don’t want this to be too long, we believe the promises of God. John and I have both had vivid dreams of our children, so real that we know these are just previews from our loving Father. We do not make the mistake of putting our hope in the dreams, only in the Giver of the dreams. Some loving friends have also told us that we just need to “let it go” or “lay it down.” Please believe me when I say we have done both to the deepest extent we can. Some dreams do not go away as urgently as we demand they do. With those stubborn dreams, we can only offer them continually to the Giver. We don’t know how we’ll get the children, whether they’ll have our DNA or simply our last name, but we know God has given us the heart of parents and that heart is too precious to be unused.
Tears may fall from our eyes when people pray over us to have children. These are not tears of sorrow or lack. They are not Hannah’s tears, though we know the taste of those. They are tears of strong desire and faith. More like Jacob’s tears when he kissed Rachel.
From this place, we stand confident and happy. We are so excited when we find out about others having babies, whether they were trying or not! People who really know us should know better than to withhold that good news in order to spare any negative feelings we might have. People who really know us are always welcome to speak into our lives, I just wanted to give you a better picture of where we are.
Thank you for reading this, for trying to understand and for your continued prayers on our behalf. One thing our children will know, as well they know their own names, is that a world-wide community of people prayed over them before they were born. And I think they will be amazing world-changing people because of it!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
"We don't have time for pants"
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Operation Iraqi Stephen - Fallback Position - Air Force Thunderbirds | |||| | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Re-Report - Lost Treasures of Babylon | |||| | ||||
Monday, August 10, 2009
Celebrating a Princess

Sunday, August 9, 2009
I'm Just Saying: Weight Loss
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Stealing from Alece
I have a friend named Alece who has a really great blog at I'm stealing an idea from her called "4 minute Friday." I pick a topic and write about it free flow for 4 minutes.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Brownie Crumbs
I imagine it's probably like a parent being handed an indiscernible picture from their child. Or being given a breakfast in bed of burnt toast and lumpy oatmeal. It's the heart that matters, the purity of intention.
Although I'm too lazy to be a perfectionist all the time, I do like things to be just right. And of course I like to be right, too. Sometimes I even drive myself crazy with this, pouring so much time and effort into planning my actions or words and losing daylight for actually doing anything.
I want to see myself always through the eyes of my loving Abba, who delights in me and sings over me while I sleep. Who takes my tears and holds them in a bottle. Who loves to hear the voice He gave me sing back to Him.
How about you? Have you ever scraped the bottom of the brownie pan to get those yummy crumbs? They're not pretty, but they have all the same ingredients and delight the tongue just as much.
What are your brownie crumbs?