
Friday, February 5, 2010

Hope for the right things

She is why.

She is why we haven't gotten pregnant in 3 years of trying, even though there is nothing "wrong" with us. She is why we have been content with all the things God has given us, instead of striving for what He hasn't. She is why I haven't gotten a "real" job in the past 2+ years. She is why we sat through 2 months of classes, 6 months of home study, then 5 months waiting through 2 other false alarms.

No, not precious 3-day-old Baby F, whom we have the honor of providing respite for over the next month. "She" is E, Baby F's mom. She is trying to overcome her addictions and make good choices in order to take her sweet baby home, and we are so excited to help her.

See, this is our heart as foster parents (if you missed it, I blogged about it in August, you can go catch up there). To be a safe haven for children in a time of need AND to help in the restoration process of their families.

And in your hope for us, please don't hope for this.

Don't hope we get to adopt Baby F. Don't hope this is God's answer to our prayers for a child to raise. There is next to little chance this will happen and it's not what we are hoping for.

Instead, please hope for this.

Hope (and pray, if you will) that E will find and accept Abundant Life the way her Creator intended. Hope she sees herself as someone who is worthy of restoration and will commit to the hard work it will take to stay sober and provide for the baby God graced her with. Hope her relationship with Baby F's dad is healthy and life-long. Hope she makes good decisions as she raises her daughter to break the cycle of addiction and poverty.

I'm not saying, don't be excited for us. Oh, we're excited. I mean, a lady came to our house yesterday and left a 2-day-old baby in our care. Friends have overwhelmed us with baby stuff, and there are so many cute, pink things that I just want to wake her up and try them all on her!

But also be excited (please) that we get to be a part of E's life. That we get to be two people who care about her in a world that has forsaken her. That we get to show her God's love in a real, tangible, non-judgemental way.

Because I tell you what. Someday, in 2 weeks, 30 days or 2 years, Baby F is going to go home. I'll pack up the pink things and give my friends their baby stuff back (don't worry, girls, I won't keep it for 2 years!). It's not going to be easy, but it's exactly why we need to hope for the right things. Because the seeds of love and mercy we sow and tend in E's life will have much greater fruit than all the cuddling and kissing and formula we can give Baby F now.

Whew, now that we've gotten through that, I can write all about Baby F. But first, if you haven't yet, please do me a favor and go comment on my other post.
I'm 18 comments away from giving away a book.

Oh, you're probably dying to see a picture. Here you go. :-)

her real name means: She will be fortunate and happy in a world of bitterness


  1. she is beautiful. and i'm glad her life gets to begin in your love and care.

    and i will be hoping with you for her mom. and for your heart in this journey of loving and letting go.

  2. That was beautiful. She is beautiful. What a calling on your life. Standing with you in prayer. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. (eph 3:20)

  3. Wow!!!!!! I'm overwhelmed with wonderfulnessosity! :) Sleep when she sleeps, take it easy, forget about the dishes. Just enjoy her and adjust to the steep learning curve!

  4. I agree with you Anna, what a privilage to be a part of someones life and their extended family, if not even in physical but spiritual influence. I feel humbled everytime I am in Alena's presence and to know that we were a part of the restoration process in her life, yes we get to keep parenting our blessings but it is a partnership and God is in it all. I will agree with you that you will see fruit in this situation but right now the most important thing is you will be sowing love, security and a stable beginning built on the love of the Lord, in this precious childs life in the most important time of developement in her life. We love you both and are praying for you, enjoy the precious time you have and you will be blessed, even if its only for 30 days. I was privilaged to have 13 very short periods of time with our foster babies and those were some of my most Favored times with God, and I know now that I was sowing into my future gifts of Makaela and Landen. Much love Stella

  5. Beautiful--I love seeing your heart behind all of this!

  6. Uhm...I had no idea you had a blog. How is that possible? Pure shame.

    And I had no idea that you guys were hoping for a baby of your own for the past few years. I pray that He gives you the desires of your heart.

    I will say this: There's no way God would allow the entrance of this precious baby girl in your lives, only to expect you to keep a neutral, untouched, unatached heart by the end of the journey. I can only imagine the tears and ache you'll experience when you have to give her back. BUT, nothing He does is in vain. He's preparing you for something great and Glorious. That much I know. So, enjoy this time with her, and in the midst of sleepless nights and spit up, invite the Glorious into the mundane. Everything is so much better with Him than without!!! Love and hugs to you.

  7. Question #4 for scavenger hunt: What is the only job I got hired for off a resume?
    Fifth clue: I only saw them one day a week.


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