10 years ago today my little sister married her high-school sweetheart. She was just a baby. 19 years old.
As the oldest sister, I always thought (as most of us do) that I'd get married and have children first. After all, I had done everything else before she did. I even remember when mom and dad brought her home from the hospital, sitting on the couch getting to hold her.
Today, I remember helping her with her veil and being overcome that my sister was all grown up. And being so proud of her and so excited for what God had in store.
Thank goodness she didn't wait for me! Thank goodness she didn't wait until the world thought she was ready to get married!
These days we grind our teeth and wring our hands when people get married "too" young. I certainly wouldn't have been ready at that age, but that's the beauty of it. Each person gets their own story.
I think Jeremy and Martha's young hearts when they got married is exactly why they are celebrating 10 years today. Those young hearts were flexible and open, which was necessary for their first few months in Army barracks and first few years of moves.
Some might say it's better if you experience the world outside of your parent's home for a few years, grow up, figure out what you want to do or be, then settle down and get married. Great, if that works for you! (it did for me)
But their world was each other, cemented that way early so the foundation would be strong through a year-long deployment to Iraq and several job transitions. Not to mention five babies.
And oh, those, babies!
Sorry guys, but Judah, Josiah, Avrah, Hosea and Micah are really my favorite part about you being married.

But, today is about you - the plural you. My life wouldn't be what it is without you.
Jeremy, you were always meant to be in our family. And you were even the key to my husband being in our family. You were the one who told me that I didn't need another 'little brother' and I should find out what John's intentions were.
I'm so proud of you both and thankful for the genuine friendship we have. I can't think of another couple I laugh more with.
So, here's to young love. Here's to making a choice and sticking with it. Here's to the miracle of God making two into one (and then some!).
Here's to you, baby sister and favorite brother-in-law.